
1977 Founded the Kyoto College of Art
1991 Founded the Kyoto University of Art and Design
1996 Established the Graduate School and Master's Degree Program
1998 Established Faculty of Art and Design (Correspondence Education)
2000 Kyoto College of Art was Integrated to the Kyoto University of Art and Design
Established Doctor's Degree Program
2001 Established the Kyoto Art Theater
2005 Established the Children's Academy of Art and Education
Koyodo Museum was Donated to the University
2007 Established Graduate School (Correspondence Education), Master's Degree Program
Redesigned Faculty of Art and Design into 10 Departments with 29 Courses
2010 Established Gaien Campus in Meijijingu Outer Gardens
Established Osaka Satellite Campus
2011 Redesigned Faculty of Art and Design into 13 Departments with 34 Courses
2013 Merged with the Kyoto Institute of Design and Kyoto Institute of Culture and Language
Redesigned Faculty of Art and Design into 13 Departments with 21 Courses
Redesigned Faculty of Art and Design (Correspondence Education) into Four Departments with 14 Courses
2014 Mr.Shochoku Tokuyama, the founder of the university, passed away (October 20)
2020 “Kyoto University of Art and Design" will be renamed as “Kyoto University of the Arts”
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