

  • 展覧会
  • 近畿圏


顧 剣亨 展 Kenryou GU Solo Exhibition

2018. 05/22 (火)

2018. 07/07 (土)



土曜は10:00-17:30/日曜・月曜・祝日 休み

ワコールスタディホール京都 ギャラリー

京都市南区西九条北ノ内町6 ワコール新京都ビル1階
美術工芸学科卒業生の顧 剣亨さんの個展「霧霾|Wu-Mai」が、ワコールスタディホール京都のギャラリーで開催されます。



霧霾|Wu-Maiという中国語の単語がある。それは本来、黄砂現象を指していたが、現在はスモッグと同様の意味を持つようになった。 現代の大気汚染は、例えば高度経済成長の時代と比べて、ある種特異的な美しさを表出している一面がある。健康に害を及ぼす真っ白な大気から、まるで山水画のような時間の流れが感じ取れる。そしてその光景をよく見つめていると、霧霾の中で何気なく続けられている人々の生活が見えてくる。

In Chinese there is a word called "Wu-Mai" referring as the same meaning as smog. The word originally means the storm caused by sand or dust.
For instance, comparing to the rapid economic growth period, air pollution in this day is shown as a specific beauty. Sensing from this harmful yet purely white air, itʼs almost like the flowing of time in a Chinese traditional landscape painting. If you look closer in this scenery, people who lives in "Wu-Mai" continue their lives as if there is nothing different. I attempted to visualize this scenery caused by this present state through a contemporary version of Chinese traditional landscape paintings.
Even though at some point people may occur reaction to a certain issue or object, It is only in a relatively short period of time. When they look back to something they used to care a lot about,they found that they have already lost their enthusiasm. This project started from 4 years ago as a continuous series, I still remember at that time a lot of naive thoughts from people regarding to the "Wu-Mai". However as the time passes by, people including myself has few concern about "Wu-Mai". It is not even about how the environment effects on our health, we have became numb towards this issue and continue our lives as nothing have happened.

費用 -
定員 -
申込方法 -
主催 -
お問合せ ワコールスタディホール京都 075-556-0236
URL http://www.wacoal.jp/studyhall/gallery/event/article82436
関連卒業生 顧 剣亨(京都造形芸術大学 現代美術・写真コース2017年度卒業)
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