
オンラインセミナー「ソ連最後の日」 Personal Insight into the Last Days of the Soviet Union

開催日 2021年3月19日(木)
会場 オンライン

This is the lecture given by Mr. David Chikvaidze, Chief de Cabinet of United Nations Office at Geneva. He talked about the last days of the Soviet Union, and some commentators (Yasushi Akashi, Tsuneo Nishida, Lise More Howard, Vessels Popovski) discussed it.

This online seminar was brought to you by
The Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ)
The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)
Tokyo Liaison Office

in association with
The Association of Former International Civil Servants of Japan (AFICS-Japan)

and technical support of
The Kyoto University of the Arts

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